GAIA Advanced IT Solution Implementation Story

Our Most Complex and Biggest IT Implementation PT. TELKOM, Tbk Centralized Solution

In the year of 2009 we started our dream project to make it come to life. PT. TELKOM, Tbk as the largest telecom operator in Indonesia now facing internet as a new business in the future.

Choosing our solution PT. TELKOM, Tbk able to support not only full internet services but also providing support for broadband multiplay services for their customer.

A solution tested together with IBM as our partner in their expertise center to proof the solution before to put in real life environment was a success.

Finally in 2009 using our key success factor in hand, the implementation for i siska as the latest version of siska is started.

Before was a distributed architecture system, the real challenge was to migrate it and to put it as a centralized system for the whole network of PT. TELKOM, Tbk, in this case it is the whole country of Indonesia.

Twenty-five information systems were migrated in 33 months 34 distinct solutions migrated to new system in 33 months.

Gaïa has enabled the Indonesian operator to quickly achieve its goals. Eight months after the start of the project, 500,000 customers were eligible for the new portfolio of PT Telkom offerings; 10 months later they were accessible to 5 million subscribers; and after 17 months, the catalogue was available to almost 10 million subscribers.

In the end We have created one of the most complex IT project and also at the same time created biggest ever IT project in the country by far.